Wednesday, May 6, 2020

I woke up with the worst headache ever †Creative Writing Free Essays

I woke up with the worst headache ever. I could hardly move but I managed to sit up with difficulty. I was in forest. We will write a custom essay sample on I woke up with the worst headache ever – Creative Writing or any similar topic only for you Order Now I looked around to see if I could recognise where I was, but I didn’t. Then it hit me. Who I was and what I was doing there? How did I get there? Where am I from? What’s my name? I didn’t know. My heart was thumping and I started screaming but I realised no one could hear me. I saw that a few trees had been burnt, recently burnt. I touched something, something liquid but it was too thick to be water. I went closer to it wondering what it could be I discovered it was blood. There was blood around me but I wasn’t bleeding. I didn’t get it. As I was trying to get up my leg hit something too heavy to be pushed away. I was on my feet wondering what it was I’d hit. She had dark eyes, black hair, she was beautiful, stunning but had been stabbed in the stomach. It was her blood I had all over my hands, her blood that my clothes had been drenched in. I thought for a while. This couldn’t have been what I thought it was. Was I that sort of a person? Well if I was, I knew I had changed. I bent down and closed her eyes but they re-opened and her hand moved. I was so happy, I might not have known her but I was still happy because death is a terrible thing. Then she grabbed my hand in a tight grip, tight enough to get me on my knees. Struggling she put he arms around my neck and whispered, â€Å"Help me please.† Then she fell into my arms. I started to panic. I had some keys in my pocket, and one of them looked like car keys. I kind of guessed I owned a car. I picked her up and started walking. I had no idea where I was going and after twenty minutes I realised I was lost. But I didn’t lose hope, I kept on going for I didn’t care how tired I was. All that mattered to me was for this girl to stay alive and not to die. About ten minutes later I came to a car park. I was relieved. I took a look at the keys to see what car I had to look for. Within a minute I found the car I as looking for. A jaguar convertible and I was surprised, I expected a ford or a normal non-expensive car. I opened the passenger seat and put her in. I looked at her closely and muttered to myself, † I couldn’t have stabbed her.† I sat in the drivers’ seat and found a wallet. I opened it and there was a picture of a guy in it. Next to it there was the name Tyler Epps and the address 4208 Link, Connecticut Lane, Maryland, Silverspring. I looked in the mirror and realised that I was the guy in the picture and also had blood on my face. I didn’t know whether to drive up or down? East or West? I decided to look for the main road and there might be signs that may help me. When I got to the main road, there were signs and I looked at them and tried to see if I recognised any of the places. I didn’t but to my luck I saw † Newn Hospital 1 mile † I was so glad. When I got there a lady at the desk saw me and screamed, † Got a doctor urgently we have a stabbed patient.† I saw nurses rushing. They took her from me and put her on one of those wheely beds. I watched them vanish at the end of the corridor. A lady came to me to go and get my face cleaned up. There was a massive cut around my temple. A very deep one too, so I had been after all. It was really starting to hurt now. I was so shocked and scared before that I couldn’t feel the pain. She asked me who she was, but I told her I had no idea. Then all of a sudden there was blankness. I woke up and to no surprise I found myself on a hospital bed. â€Å"Well good morning Mr. Epps,† a lady’s voice said to me. I turned to my left and there was a nurse standing beside me. She was injecting me with something. â€Å"This will make you feel better,† she said as she was writing down something on a piece of paper. I didn’t bother asking what it was as I could feel it working already. I didn’t feel as weak anymore. â€Å"How long have I been here?† expecting her to say at least three hours. â€Å"Since November the 15th sir.† She paused looking too deep at whatever she was writing. † And today is the 17th of November sir.† She then walked out. I couldn’t believe it, I had been unconscious for two days. I wondered what had happened to me to cause this. â€Å"Hey Tyler.† I looked up and it was her. The girl from the forest, she was alive. â€Å"The doctors said I’m going to be out of here soon,† she said with excitement. I was puzzled, she was very confident talking to me. Her face rapidly changed to normal. â€Å"Oh, I forgot,† She said sadly â€Å"Forgot what?† For I had no idea what she was going on about â€Å"Well the doctors told me you had lost your memory in the accident,† she said quietly. â€Å"What accident?† â€Å"I guess I will have to start from the beginning.† â€Å"We were going through the forest on our way to the lakeside, when this guy came to us and asked for the direction to the car park. Then all of a sudden he pulled a knife and stabbed me†¦Ã¢â‚¬  She then took a heavy breath. â€Å"You turned and the knife but just as you were about to pull it out he hit you on the head with something, but I didn’t quite see what it was.† She had a tear in her eye. â€Å"So, who are you?† She could be my cousin, my best friend, I had to know. â€Å"I’m Kyla, your girlfriend,† she smiled. â€Å"Girlfriend, whoa I can handle that.† I didn’t know what else to say, I had a girlfriend and I didn’t even remember her. Then again I could see why she’s my girlfriend. No doubt she was a beautiful girl and she seemed like a nice person. The nurse came back, † Mr Epps, I’ve got good news. Your condition seems to have healed rapidly, therefore you can go home in two days, but we will have to run a few tests before that, just to be sure.† â€Å"That’s good news, we get to go home together,† she said getting all excited again. â€Å"Home? Together?† I was still confused. † Yeah, we live together.† â€Å"We†¦live together?† â€Å"Tyler I’m your girlfriend you know and the least you can do is sound to surprised.† She was angry. â€Å"Well I am sorry, it’s just that I don’t even know myself and everything is moving too quick,† I said slowly and calmly. † I am sorry too, it’s just that I’m not used to seeing you like this.† † Doesn’t it feel good to be home?† â€Å"I don’t remember home, but it sure does feel better thin that hospital.† My house as massive, so I kind of figured out that I was rich. I owned a jaguar and a massive house. Living with Kyla was great. She took me to see all my friends and family and helped me with all the things I needed to know and do. I proposed to her and she said yes. After about a year, I was gaining my life back, getting re-adapted to the worlds and living with Kyla. I realised that my life was worth living. I had a great family and a wonderful fiancà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½e. I really did love her. How couldn’t I? She was just perfect for me. She was beautiful, intelligent and never did anything wrong or anything to hurt me. She was the reason I lived. During that year Kyla let out the secret, our secret that nobody could know. We are different from everybody else. Kyla had the ability to control the mind and objects, which was weird but really cool. But as for me I just love fire I am a pyromaniac. It was real cool how I could make fire by looking at things. She told me what happened that night. The night in the forest, a night I could never forget. She has a brother named Camen. His power was to actually get into the anyone’s body including animals. He didn’t † Erm excuse me, I’m Aaron.† â€Å"And†¦Ã¢â‚¬  † I’m Kyla’s brother† How to cite I woke up with the worst headache ever – Creative Writing, Papers

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