Friday, May 31, 2019
An Ergonomic Evaluation Of The Kinesis Computer Keyboard :: essays research papers
An Ergonomic Evaluation of the Kinesis Computer Keyboard1. IntroductionIn this information-technology age, e trulyday tasks are more and more cogitate to computer. That ranges from basic jobs such as providing food recipesfor housewives to complicated ones such as analyzing laboratory experimentaldata for scientists and engineers. This popularity of computer means that thetime one has to pass on with computer would be a lot more than in the past. Untilnow, the computers and computer peripherals in the market have been madeaccording to the same design as the ones invented decades ago when computers areused only in large-scale scientific projects or big corporations. That meansfor most people the ergonomic value of these products seemingly was not takeninto account when designing them. Fortunately, at the moment, more companiesare trying to change the way people work with computer by trade a number ofergonomic products most notably keyboard, mouse and monitor. There areergonomic ke yboards, mice and monitors being released all the time. The reasonwhy the focus is on these products is that they are the parts of computer oneinterfaces with the most while working with computer. The subject of whetherthese ergonomic keyboards, mice, monitors and other products really workattracts a lot of uninterrupted computer users. Thus, studies dedicated to it havebeen done. This report is based on one of the studies about an ergonomickeyboard from a manufacturer called Kinesis. This study looks not only on theeffect of the keyboard on the users body by mean of electromyographic activitybut also on the learning rate of the users changing to this new style ofkeyboard. This is very useful since slow learning rate would lead to thedecrease in effectiveness of work. Introduced in 1868 by Christopher Sholes,computer keyboard is still the primary data debut mode for most computer users.With the increase of computer, hence keyboard, usage at the moment, theseproblems of the keyboar d users known as operator stress problems have developed.This is a kind of additive trauma disorders which is mainly caused by workingexcessively or repetitively with the same thing, keyboard, in this case, in thesame position for a long boundary of time. This kind of disorder is considered tobe the most expensive and severe one occurring in office environment. This leadsto an amount of alternative designs introduced in the market with the main object of reducing muscular stress required for typing. The reason why thesedesigns have not yet replaced the old one is because of the familiarity of the
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Canvas of War :: essays research papers
The Canvas of War exhibit exemplifies the divers(a) sides of support during the war. The layout of the kit and caboodle alone was very effective in the sense that one led into the next as you moved along looking at them. The styles implemented range of a function from a stylistic approach, mainly surreal in nature, and umpteen were highly detailed realistic paintings. The paintings themselves speak volumes for the hardships the soldiers faced as well as the hardships of life for those at home trying to make ends meet while their family members were out fighting. It was a very difficult time for many, and the exhibit communicates this very well to the public, particularly the younger generation which are not too familiar with the past history of war. The First World War images of battle, hospital corps, heroic portraits and gathering soldiers get wind the visitor through the confused emotions of life in wartime. One image that truly has expression to it in my opinion is that o f Ablain-St. Nazaire by J.W. Beatty. It depicts a war lacerate land with dead and broken trees, only their stumps remaining. In the distant background there is a church which has also been destroyed during the war. The destruction of the church is exemplary of religion being tossed aside during war, a time were instinct is your only chance of survival. The painting uses very cool colours which gives a sense of abatement to the viewer. It signifies that its all over, and the green grass and shrubs that are now growing symbolize a new life or rebirth. After a war is over most people have to start at square one again, which is what this image shows, so for that reason I believe it is truly effective.Through examining the various artworks in this exhibit I have found many styles never known to me in the past. Through looking at the paintings I begin to affirm that the artists that created these images are also the heroes in the sense that they risked their lives in the heat of batt le, all in an attempt to illustrate what was happening. I can only imagine how many innocent artists lost their lives as well in the process.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Violence In Video Games :: essays research papers
You open your eyes to a narrow hallway with unlike passages opening to the left and right. The walls seem to be made of some pseudo-stucco material. You ignore the passages as you head forward to the opening at the end of the hallway. A panoptic chamber opens up before you, with three passageways that open to the left, forward, and right respectively. After a few steps forward, you turn around and see another infrastructure above the original hallway you came in, about twenty feet up. There are ramps from the left and right heading up towards it. At the foot of one of the ramps is a small white box with a red cross on it. As you walk closer to inspect it, footsteps are heard coming from stinkpot you. You spin around to face a man of generic description toting a sinister looking modified chain gun. Before you endure vocalize anything, he opens fire, unloading three or four rounds into you. Time to take evasive action. You gumptionpedal to the right, arriving at the white box. You feel instantly healed. Turning, you sprint back into the hallway you came in from, dodging left and right to avoid flying bullets. The second right takes you into a small windowless room with nothing but a low-powered handgun and some loose clips littered about the floor. It will serve its purpose. The gun seems heavier than it should be as you slam a clip office and take an ambush position to the right of the door. The man barges in and misses seeing you. You take careful aim and unload eight rounds into the back of his skull. As he falls to the ground in his final death throes, the words Falco_Lombardi fragged NeoNess101 with a handgun appear at the top of your vision. You smile to yourself and pick up his chain-gun, determine now for anything.This is the type of rush most gamers get playing an online multiplayer first-person shooter such as Quake III, Unreal Tournament, Half-Life, or classic DOOM. But can these games be destructive to mental health? Can they actually desens itize people to the point where they cannot tell the difference between mankind and virtual reality? The evidence will be presented for it, the evidence against it, and then Ill show my own personal experience. You can draw your own results.First of all, the evidence that idiot box games promote violence.
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